It’s true, youngsters today would probably be puzzled if they had to use this classic piece of equipment.

Back in the day, learning how to change a tire was almost a rite of passage. My father first showed me the ropes on how to handle a flat before watching me give it a go myself. I can still appreciate those lessons today, even though it’s been quite a while since I’ve needed to use them.
Another person shared their experience, fondly recalling the days when they used a car jack for changing tires. It’s a skill many of us had to learn, and it stuck with us through the years.
For anyone familiar with the old car jacks, one particularly memorable model had three legs forming a tripod, complete with a handle on top that you’d crank to lift or lower the vehicle. It also had a claw-like piece that would hook under the bumper. Does anyone remember using this type of jack?
These memories bring back not only practical lessons but also cherished moments of learning and bonding with family. Cars and their maintenance have certainly come a long way, but it’s always fun to look back and remember how things were done in the good old days.