Why Couples Still Choose to Stay Together Though They Are in Unhappy Relationships

Ever wondered why some couples choose to stay together in their unhappy relationship? Maybe right now, you are in a relationship even though you are unhappy, but you just can’t seem to do anything about it. Well, sit tight, because we’re diving into the five most common reasons why unhappy couples stick it out.

1. Staying Together for Kids

Often, couples stay together to see children through school and break up shortly after they’ve flown the nest. One of the biggest decisions unhappy parents face is deciding whether staying together benefits their children or hurts them. We tend to think that staying together is the best choice, but trust me, kids sense when parents are unhappy in marriage.

2. Afraid to Be Alone

When you’ve been with someone for a few years, you almost forget how to be alone. You did everything with the other person—now, doing things on your own feels like trying to juggle flaming torches. Instead of divorcing, many stay in an unhappy marriage simply because they fear the loneliness monster under the bed.

3. Maintaining Status and Wealth

Couples often run away from marital issues to maintain their status. In a world bent on keeping up with the Joneses, turning your back on the house, car, and annual luxury holidays can feel like walking away from the crown jewels. Investment theory explains how people stay in a relationship to guard their resources like a dragon hoarding gold. It turns out, people are more likely to leave for infidelity or a ‘better’ partner but would stick with someone trustworthy over an attractive one—unless a wealthier partner comes along.

4. Social Embarrassment or Shame

Some folks can’t bear the thought of becoming the latest hot gossip topic. They listen to naysayers and fear others will judge them for their divorce. These individuals would rather live in an unhappy marriage than face the cheeky whispers and judgmental glances of their social circle.

Until they learn not to care about what others say, they’ll stay stuck in a joyless loop of dissatisfaction.

5. Lifestyle or Habit

And then, some people just love their routines more than human companionship. They’ve grown comfortable within the habits of their lifestyle, even if it includes an unhappy marriage. For some, marital misery has become their ‘new normal,’ and they aren’t willing to shake things up.

Believe it or not, some people need to feel unhappy. Complaining about their situation has become their pastime. They may have given up on working things out but don’t want a divorce—they’re simply too used to the way things are.