Have you ever been curious about the small stickers on your fresh fruits and vegetables? These stickers do more than just facilitate the scanning process at the checkout. They are loaded with information useful for both consumers and retailers.

What Does the PLU Code Mean?
Let’s start with understanding what “PLU” stands for. It means “price look up.” These codes serve three main purposes. First, they let grocery stores quickly identify different kinds of produce at the checkout, ensuring you’re charged the correct price. They also help distinguish between organic and non-organic items. Lastly, they identify unique varieties of the same type of fruit or vegetable.
The Magic of the Number ‘9’
Each PLU code is generally a four-digit number that acts as a worldwide identifier for a specific type of fruit or vegetable, or sometimes a size range within that type. Here’s where it gets interesting: organic produce has a five-digit code that always begins with the number “9.” This extra digit tells you that the produce is organic.

So next time you’re in the produce aisle, take a closer look at those stickers. They hold valuable information that can help you make informed choices about the fruits and vegetables you buy.