Love! The word that can make hearts flutter or stop as if hearing bad karaoke. Many guys scream it from the rooftops without meaning it, while others stammer through their affection in the sincerest way. So how can you distinguish a fleeting fling from the real deal? Fear not, fair reader! Here’s eight surefire signs that he’s genuinely fallen for you.

1. You’re a Priority in His World

This one’s straightforward but crucial. If he’s telling you, showing you, or basically integrating you into his life faster than you can say ‘relationship goals,’ he’s in deep. Whether it’s responding to your texts ASAP or appreciating your quirky love for vintage teapots, his actions speak volumes. You’re not just important; you’re indispensable.

2. He’s Your Florence Nightingale

We all know men and nurturing can sometimes be like oil and water. But if he turns into a makeshift nurse whenever you’re under the weather, and genuinely cares about your options for chicken soup, then hold onto him tight. He’s mapping the path to your heart—through TLC.

3. His Gaze Never Wavers

Guys are visual creatures; they can’t help it. The true test of his love is in the eyes. If he’s looking at you like you’re the last slice of pizza on a Friday night and not getting distracted by, let’s say, that hockey game or even a supermodel’s walk-by, honey, you’re it. His laser-focused gaze when you speak? That’s love in optical form.

4. You’re In His Inner Circle

If he’s introducing you to his family and friends more times than you can count and using ‘we’ instead of ‘I,’ he’s integrating you into his personal world. Meeting his loved ones means you’re more than just someone he dates—you’re someone he envisions in his future. Multiple meet-and-greets are a green flag waving boldly.

5. Your Opinions Matter

True partnership agency comes with valuing each other’s opinions. If he’s consulting you on personal matters and respecting what you have to say, he’s genuinely weighing your thoughts. This is not a casual fling, dear reader; you’re in his heart and mind as an equal partner.

6. He Puts in the Effort

Grand romantic gestures are great and all, but staring deeply into your soul with a homemade playlist or a heartfelt poem takes the cake. He makes efforts tailored just for you, not some assembly-line affection. He’s not only telling you he loves you; he’s showing it in ways that matter to you.

7. He’s Intrigued by Your Whole World

Here’s a biggie. If he’s interested in the company you keep, your family’s quirks, and the minutiae of your day-to-day, he’s not just enamored with you—he’s enraptured by your entire existence. From your childhood dreams to your adult ambitions, if he wants to know it all, he’s seriously smitten.

8. He’s Making Future Plans

And the pièce de résistance? He’s including you in his future visions. Making long-term plans, like that vacation next year or envisioning your lives together three decades down the line—this isn’t just love; it’s a committed partnership. If he’s got jokes and dreams that constantly include you, this man is seriously, irrevocably in love.

So there you have it. The roast is ready; the signs are clear. Whether he’s conscious of it or not, these little actions speak mighty words. Cherish the bonds, nurture the moments, and hold onto love when it comes fully packed with these undeniable signs.