A delightful trip to the supermarket turned astonishing for one man when he found a snake had hitched a ride in his groceries. The discovery was made after the critter nestled amongst his food items at home.
Last month, 63-year-old Neville Linton picked up a bag of broccoli from the Aldi store in Stourbridge, England. Stored in the refrigerator for three days, it wasn’t until he began meal prepping that he encountered the surprise guest.

Neville, a local industrial cleaner, was understandably shaken. “It was quite the shock. I’m not good with snakes,” he admitted. The unexpected buggy broccoli could have spelled more chaos had it been left outside, noting, “I’m just glad it didn’t escape into the house with vulnerable family around.”
Realizing this was no regular pest, Neville called his sister, who helped identify it as a young snake. They carefully contained it and returned to the store for assistance.
“Initially it seemed unreal, but I recoiled when it moved. Even the staff member was startled,” Neville recounted. Subsequent examination by local zoo experts identified the critter as a young ladder snake, although some experts suggest it could actually be a viperine water snake, known for its harmless nature, primarily feeding on fish.

Dr. Steven J R Allain, an expert interviewed, noted, “These creatures can end up far from their natural habitats due to their accidental transport with agricultural goods. This fellow was probably just passing through the fields when it ended up inside the packaging.”
Neville has been offered some compensation, though he feels the amount doesn’t fully cover the potential danger posed to his family or the emotional distress caused, given his phobia of snakes.
An Aldi spokesperson has stated, “We are thoroughly investigating how this has happened and are ensuring such incidents are prevented in the future.”
While Neville pursues a fair claim, the community buzzes about the bizarre event, shedding light on the unexpected guests that can sometimes come home from the grocery store.