A relationship can be long-lasting if both partners love each other truly, but it can end soon if there’s no love and it’s purely physical. The reasons for breakups are varied: zero understanding between partners, over-possessiveness, and lack of personal space can lead to frequent fights and blame. A research-based study revealed that, generally after a breakup, men often blame their ex-partners. This may be true in some cases, but not always. Even when the breakup is due to the male partner’s mistakes, he rarely admits it. Here are a few reasons why men might blame their women for the breakup.

Because of the Dramatic Nature of Women
Guys claim that it’s women’s overdramatic nature that usually drives them up the wall and ultimately ends the relationship.

When She Frequently Complaints about Their Ex
Incessant complaining about an ex-partner can be a major reason for a breakup. If you keep bringing up past baggage, it can weigh down the relationship.
Avoiding the Discussion
This one’s for both partners. Whenever there’s an argument, instead of talking it out and resolving the issue, they avoid the situation. This can lead to big fights and, sometimes, a breakup.
Lack of Adjustment
A woman’s habit of not adjusting and constantly complaining can be a fundamental cause of the relationship ending.
Trust Issues
If a partner always doubts every word her man says and creates trust issues, it can drive a man insane.
Ignoring the Efforts of a Man
When women start comparing their efforts to those of their partners and ignore what he’s done for her, it creates significant tension.

No Space Provided
Over-possessiveness can be another issue. When a woman gets too possessive and does not give personal space, it drives her man away.
Getting Dependent
When women become overly dependent on their partners, it can freak the guy out and make him reconsider the relationship.
The Clash Between Feminism and Chivalry
It gets complicated when feminism is thrown into the mix to put the partner down. It’s a tough tightrope to walk.
Perfect Happy Relationship
Expecting a perfect relationship all the time is impractical. When women set unrealistic standards, they can end up ruining what they have.
Girls Expect an Honest Commitment
Women often trust men blindly and expect full honesty and commitment, even when there are signs of a temporary relationship.
Blaming for Money
If a relationship is based more on financial status rather than love, it’s doomed to fail.
Dominating Nature
When women become too dominating and try to control their partners, it often leads to a breakup.
Losing Her Identity
Men fall in love with women for who they are. If a woman loses her own identity and changes herself drastically, it forces a man to break up.
When a Man Has to Play the Guessing Game
Arguments over trivial matters without clear communication can leave men guessing and irritated, pushing them to end the relationship.