Alright folks, gather around for today’s episode of “Can you believe this actually happened?” A young mom decided to vent her frustrations on Reddit, and boy, did she have a tale to tell. Buckle up, because this one’s a doozy. Our protagonist found herself in the utterly awkward and vexing position of having to show her mother-in-law the proverbial exit door. Why, you ask? Because the dear MIL just couldn’t resist waking her up. Some people pull off the harmonious in-law relationships, but this poor mom wasn’t so lucky.

Here’s the Dirt She Dished
Picture this: My hubby’s got a knack for keeping secrets. Not the good kind, either. Imagine never being told when you’re going to have company. That’s my life. Oh, and did I mention we have an 8-month-old baby? There have been at least 15 times when he’s invited his mom or sister over without giving me a heads-up. These lovely ladies live three hours away. It’s not just a stroll across town.

This past Saturday, my MIL decided it was the perfect day for a surprise visit. We had just laid down for a nap, my baby and I, barely 20 minutes in. I’m cradling my dreams, and what do I wake up to? My loving husband pulling my shirt into a “decent” position and saying, “Hey, mum’s here to see us.” Excuse you, but this momma bear was in hibernation!
Groggy but not defeated, I muster, “Well, I just got the baby down for a nap, so we aren’t available.” Cue husband whispering, “Babe, she just traveled 3 hours to see us. You can nap later.” Oh no, buddy, this again? A flash of red and I’m thinking, ‘Not this time!’ I promptly tell him to skedaddle. Now.
Here’s where it gets juicy. MIL, not content with her son’s attempt, pulls a “Come on, up you go, I didn’t travel down here for nothing,” and starts tugging at my blanket! Oh, no she did not. That was my breaking point. “Yes, you did travel down here for nothing because my daughter and I are not getting out of bed for an unannounced guest. Get out, now.” If looks could kill, there’d be no more MILs on this earth.

My husband, blushing crimson, hurries his mom out while she mutters about respect and whatever else. The front door slammed shut, and I slipped back into sweet, sweet slumber. An hour and a half later, I surface to my husband glaring daggers at me from the kitchen. The moment he sees me, it’s like he’s got a loaded cannon. Bam! “I can’t believe you’d embarrass me like that! It wouldn’t have killed you to get up and let her see the baby for 30 minutes.”
Deep breath. Here we go again. “Listen,” I say, “I am not okay with guests dropping in unannounced. Period. You have to loop me in, or we’re just not playing this game.” He’s dead set on this revisionist history, swearing he did warn me. Ha! Sorry buddy, I was born at night, but not last night. That three-hour travel spiel? I don’t care. My rest is sacred.