You might be surprised how many people would be puzzled by this. Let’s see if you can figure it out.
Back in the day, washing clothes by hand was a real chore. It involved soaking, beating, scrubbing, and rinsing fabrics that needed cleaning. This was before we had the convenience of indoor plumbing, so all the water needed for washing, boiling, and rinsing had to be carried from a pump, well, or spring.

Once the water was gathered, it had to be heated over a fire to make washing easier and then poured into a tub. Because of all this effort, only a limited amount of warm, soapy water could be prepared. The cleaner clothes were washed first, followed by the dirtier laundry.
After washing, there was still more work to be done. The soap had to be rinsed out with clear water, and the soaked clothes needed to be wrung out to remove the water. This step involved rolling up the garments and manually twisting them. When it came time to dry and iron the clothes, the entire process could easily take up a full day of labor.
This system was quite demanding, and it often required careful planning and a lot of muscle power. It makes you appreciate the modern conveniences we have today, doesn’t it?