If your partner deletes their chats and messages, it could be for any of the following reasons.

1. To maintain peace
Sometimes, if your partner knows you’re the type to feel insecure or possessive, they might delete their messages and chat history. It could be their way of keeping the peace and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.
2. To keep you and your relationship happy
We all know how easy it is to get jealous, even over small things. In these cases, your partner might empty their chats and inbox just so you have nothing to worry about when you look at their phone. They might not be hiding anything; they just want to prevent you from getting upset over nothing. It’s likely that they’ve had a few jealousy-fueled arguments with you before and want to avoid them in the future.
3. Privacy purposes
Everyone is entitled to some privacy, even in a relationship. If your partner deletes text messages and browser history, it might simply be because they value their personal space. They could be planning a surprise for you or could be helping a friend through a difficult time, which you’re better off not knowing about. Checking each other’s phone is not always acceptable, and everyone needs some basic level of privacy.
4. They flirt
Flirting is a subject of much debate. Some people see it as harmless, while others consider it a form of cheating. There’s a significant difference between flirting and cheating, though. Flirting could be playful without any physical contact or real intent, but cheating comes with a genuine intention to betray. Sometimes people delete flirtatious messages to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, even if there was no harm meant.
5. Conceal their cheating
Unfortunately, the most common reason for deleting chats and messages is to hide dishonest behavior. If someone is doing something shady and doesn’t want their partner to find out, the easiest way to cover their tracks is by deleting the evidence. While it might be unsettling to think about, this is a reality in many relationships.