If your partner deletes their chats and messages, it could be for any of the following reasons.

1. To maintain peace
If you are the insecure or possessive kind, there’s a good chance that your partner deletes their messages and chat history just to keep the peace. Interesting, right?
2. To keep you and your relationship happy
Let’s face it, some of us can get jealous over the most trivial things. Knowing this, our partners might go the extra mile and clear their chats and inboxes to ensure we don’t get worked up over nothing. They aren’t necessarily hiding anything sinister—they’re just trying to avoid unnecessary drama. A couple of jealousy-driven squabbles might’ve taught them this trick!
3. Privacy purposes
Now here’s a tough pill to swallow—checking your partner’s phone is a no-no! Your partner is entitled to basic privacy and might delete messages and browser history to protect it. Whether they’ve been planning a surprise for you or aiding a friend in need, their intent may be purely innocent.
4. They flirt
Ah, flirting. Some might argue it’s a harmless sport, others see it as borderline ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ. While flirtation doesn’t necessarily involve physical interaction, it can complicate relationships. Hence, those flirtatious messages might disappear to avoid stirring the pot. But remember, not all flirtations lead to ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
5. Conceal their ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ
And here we have it—the number one suspect: ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ. If your partner is up to something shady, the easiest way to cover their tracks is to delete the evidence. It’s a classic move but sadly an all-too-common one.