Seeking advice, a woman shared her troubling experience on an online forum, describing her boyfriend’s poor hygiene habits.

In mid-May, the original poster (OP) discovered some alarming details about her loved one’s shower routine.

“I recently found out that my boyfriend doesn’t wash his butt when he showers,” she explained. “We were taking a shower together, and I noticed he applies soap to his hand and then just massages it over his body. He says he uses his hands to shower instead of a loofah or washcloth.”

While it’s uncommon, the OP discovered something more troubling.

“I also noticed he doesn’t wash his buttocks properly. He thinks letting water run over them is enough,” she continued.

Hoping to help him improve his hygiene without embarrassing him, the OP gently explained how to properly clean himself.

“I tried to be considerate, thinking maybe his parents never taught him. I suggested he should separate his cheeks and wash the area thoroughly. He agreed to try it,” she shared.

Reluctant to Change

A few days later, she checked in to see if her boyfriend had improved his hygiene habits.

“I asked him if he had started washing his butt. He said no, that he found it gross to put his hand there,” she revealed.

After this conversation, the OP began questioning their relationship.

“Now, I’m reconsidering the relationship. He’s a grown man who doesn’t practice basic hygiene. He says he needs time to get used to the idea,” she noted.

Before asking the online community, “Am I wrong for thinking about breaking up with him because he doesn’t wash his butt?” she added, “I’m not sure if I’m being too harsh. Is my desire to end things justified? Should I let go of the best partner I’ve ever had over this?”

Community’s Verdict

The online community overwhelmingly supported the woman, saying “NTA” (Not The A**hole).

“I’m a guy. Your boyfriend is gross,” one user commented.

A healthcare worker added, “As a nurse who has seen too many men with unwashed butts, it IS gross.”

Another user joked, “You can lead a man to the shower, but you can’t make him bathe.”

Others referenced a bizarre theory involving some men who believe it’s “gay” to clean themselves properly.

“There’s a small group of people who think washing one’s butt is ‘gay.’ How they expect to attract any women while smelling bad is beyond me,” one user pointed out.

Explaining why she hadn’t noticed any foul smells, the woman added, “I lost my sense of smell in October 2020 due to COVID and never got it back.”