Beloved actor Michael J. Fox, renowned for his iconic role in “Back To The Future,” is grieving the loss of his loyal companion, Gus. Gus, a twelve-year-old Great Dane-Labrador mix, stood by Fox’s side through thick and thin, but now the actor must face the world without his beloved friend.
In a heartfelt message to his one million social media followers, Fox shared a touching image of Gus and wrote, “Gus — great dog and loyal friend, we’ll miss you.” Fox referenced pages 220-222 of his memoir, “No Time Like The Future: an Optimist Considers Mortality,” released in 2020, where he describes Gus as his “wonder dog” – a faithful companion who brought joy to everyone.
Gus played a vital role in Fox’s life, particularly during his public battle with Parkinson’s disease over the past two decades. In his memoir, Fox highlights the profound impact Gus had on his life and how deeply he will be missed as a cherished member of the family.
Reflecting on their special bond, Fox wrote, “I didn’t rescue Gus. You could argue that he rescued me, but he’d be too modest to make that claim.” The actor acknowledges that Gus’s unwavering affection helped alleviate his feelings of isolation during his health struggles.
According to Fox, having a dog by his side created a profound sense of connection. “No matter your situation, no matter what you feel, this animal is with you and connected to you. And you feel. It’s a force multiplier,” Fox shared. He believes that living with a chronic illness can lead to isolation, but a dog has the power to open up one’s world and provide much-needed companionship.
Gus even played a role in Fox’s physical recovery. After undergoing surgery in 2018 to remove a spinal cord tumor, Fox relied on a wheelchair. It was Gus who helped him regain his ability to walk. Fox fondly recounts, “He circled the wheelchair with a low woof woof, woof woof, and sat right in front of me. And he looked at me, and I said, ‘It’s going to be okay.’”
Losing a beloved pet is never easy, and it’s no exception for Michael J. Fox. Let us take a moment to send our sympathies to him and acknowledge the incredible bond he shared with Gus. Though Gus may no longer physically be by his side, the memories and love they shared will forever remain in Fox’s heart.