Relationships can be tricky, can’t they? Especially when you’re navigating the murky waters of a ‘no contact’ period. You’re left wondering if he’s out there missing you as much as you miss him. Well, let’s delve into some telltale signs that might indicate he’s thinking about you incessantly!

1. Everyone Around Him Knows He Is Depressed
If you’re hearing through the grapevine that he’s been acting like a gloomy Gus, there’s a good chance he’s pining for you. Sudden emotional mood swings and unexplained sadness are often red flags that he’s missing you, like a kid misses candy after Halloween.
2. He Follows You on All Social Media
If he’s all over your social media like sprinkles on a cupcake, it’s clear you’re living rent-free in his mind. He’s checking your Instagram stories, liking your photos, and maybe even dropping comments here and there. Let’s be honest, that’s not just keeping tabs—he’s finding ways to engage, however subtle.
3. He Wants to Help You in Small Courteous Ways
Offers to help with the tiniest of tasks can be his sneaky way of staying connected. From fixing a leaking faucet to sharing a must-watch Netflix show, his solicitous behavior is a whisper saying, “I can’t stop thinking about you.”
4. You Feel a Strong Energy Around You
You know those moments when you’re sipping your coffee, and out of nowhere, he pops into your mind? If these thoughts strike like lightning without any obvious trigger, it could be cosmic vibes signaling that he’s thinking about you too. Maybe it’s the universe giving you a nudge.
5. He Sends You Stupid, Serious, or Sad Messages via Text or Phone
You might be sticking to the no-contact rule like glue, but if he’s bombarding your phone with texts or calls—ranging from silly memes to heartfelt messages—he’s clearly struggling with your absence. It’s his digital SOS, waving frantically from the other side.
6. The Conversations You’ve Had Keep Coming Back Into Your Head
Ever find yourself replaying old conversations you had with him? It’s almost like your brain has hit rewind and can’t stop replaying your greatest hits. These recurring thoughts can be a sign he’s equally locked in nostalgia, missing your voice and shared moments.
7. You Dream About Him
Here’s a mystical one for you: dreams. If he’s a recurring character in your nocturnal adventures, popping up to say hello or just lingering in your dreamscape, some believe it’s their soul trying to message yours. Who needs a phone when you’ve got the universe’s hotline, right?
8. You’ve Been Running Into Each Other a Lot
Despite being in a no-contact phase, you’re running into him more frequently than usual. Coincidence? Maybe. Or perhaps it’s his subtle way of orchestrating “accidental” meetings because he can’t bear the separation. His heart (and feet) might lead him straight to you.
So, there you have it! Keep an eye out for these signs—to let you know that even in silence, he’s missing you incredibly.