When a woman becomes weary in a relationship, she starts showing certain signs that indicate it might be time for her to move on. Here are seven telltale behaviors to watch out for:
1. She No Longer Gets Affected By Your Acts
When a woman feels too tired of a relationship, she no longer cares about what you do anymore. Her feelings become dead to your actions and nothing moves her. Winning her back at this stage is as hard as watching the minute-hand on a clock all day long. Men should never let their ladies feel this way about them. However, some men don’t realize that at this stage, they have already lost her.

2. She Easily Becomes Irritated Towards You
A woman at this stage becomes irritated by everything you do. She feels better alone than with you and even experiences relief whenever you’re out of sight. Although she may physically remain in the relationship, in her mind, she has already left.

3. She Easily Gets Angry
Don’t be surprised when your lady starts getting angry easily. This is an anger that’s been piling up for a very long time, and now it’s at its peak. She looks for every opportunity to vent this anger on you.
4. She Doesn’t Do Things She Normally Does
This is a huge sign that she’s tired of the relationship. She stops doing what she normally does or gradually reduces these actions. She loses the enthusiasm to do things for you and no longer sees the need.

5. ‘I Love You’ Becomes Hard to Say
She no longer finds it easy to say she loves you, likely because she doesn’t. She even feels guilty when she says it because deep down, it’s not genuine. Even the few times she says it, it will be quite obvious that it isn’t sincere. When she’s tired of you, she doesn’t feel it’s necessary to tell you that she loves you.
6. She Becomes Absent-Minded
She barely listens to you. She doesn’t flow in conversations anymore; her mind becomes detached. Although she may be physically present, she’s emotionally distant. Your words and actions don’t reach her as they once did. Many women can testify to having this feeling when they’re no longer interested in a partner.
7. She Doesn’t Find You Interesting Anymore
A woman losing interest in you can be one of the worst things to happen to a man in a relationship. It’s easier to get a lady initially than to win her back once she’s lost interest. She prefers spending time with others and no longer has any affection for you, making it quite obvious.