Pat Sajak, the beloved host of the popular game show “Wheel of Fortune,” recently shared some harrowing details about his recent emergency surgery. In an interview with “Good Morning America,” Sajak revealed that he believed he was on the brink of death moments before the procedure.
It all began in November when Sajak experienced excruciating pain during a morning walk with his daughter. Hours later, he found himself doubled over in agony and about to undergo surgery. “I was lying on the bed in the fetal position,” Sajak explained. “They tried to alleviate my pain with various medications, but nothing seemed to work.”
However, relief came when his doctors administered a particular medicine that miraculously made the pain disappear. Sajak described the experience as surreal, saying, “All of a sudden, I wasn’t thinking about the discomfort. I felt surrounded by these beautiful pastels and a sense of peace. I could hear my wife and daughter talking, even though they were right next to me, but they sounded distant. In that moment, I thought, ‘This must be death.’”
Naturally, Sajak was concerned for his family and overwhelmed by the idea of leaving them behind. But thankfully, his worries were unfounded. It turned out that he was simply under the influence of the medication, and he couldn’t help but laugh about it. “It turns out that I was merely high,” he chuckled.
The procedure was a success, and there were no underlying causes found for the intestinal blockage that Sajak had experienced. This means that he doesn’t need to make any significant lifestyle changes moving forward. “I’ve been feeling amazing for the past few weeks,” Sajak shared. “I’ve been back in the studio, hosting shows, and I’m as good as new!”
During Sajak’s recovery, his longtime co-host Vanna White stepped into his shoes on the show. In the interview, Sajak playfully expressed his concern that White might take over as the primary host, joking, “I discovered she enjoys hosting, and I’m a little nervous.” However, Sajak assured fans that he still loves his role on “Wheel of Fortune” and won’t be going anywhere.
All in all, it’s evident that Sajak is grateful to be back on his feet and doing what he loves. He concluded the interview by saying, “I’m still on my guard,” reminding everyone that he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Pat Sajak and “Wheel of Fortune” will continue to entertain millions of viewers for years to come.
Check out the videoย below to see the interview with Pat Sajak on “Good Morning America.”