I’ll never understand how being single and not dating anyone got such a bad rap. Personally, I’ve always felt my best when I’m single and doing my own thing. No emotional attachments, no drama, no compromise obligations, and the pure bliss of having my bed to myself. Not to mention the sheer satisfaction of being my own person with complete control over my life. Even when I was married, there were parts of me that missed my single self because let’s face it, when I’m single, I flourish. And you know what? Anyone can flourish when they’re single, if they look at it the right way.

These days, being single is more common than ever. In 2014, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that singles made up 50.2 percent of adults in the U.S., a historic high. A Gallup poll from the same year found that 64 percent of those aged 18 to 29 were single. So while society might push for coupledom, the reality is, tons of people are loving their single lives.
Sure, being in love can be wonderful, sexy, and fun, but so can being single. Here’s why being single is sexy AF. But first, check out the latest episode of Bustle’s Sex and Relationships podcast, I Want It That Way:
1. Independence Is Sexy
While you can be independent in a relationship, being single is the perfect chance to fully embrace your independence. You rely only on yourself and get to do things your way, whenever and however you want.
2. Realizing You’re Wearing That Lace Underwear For Only You Is Sexy
Every day, whether single or not, is sexy underwear day. Why? Because wearing sexy underwear boosts confidence and makes you feel fabulous. Who cares if you’re the only one admiring it? You’re worth it.
3. Sexual Freedom Is Sexy
Kissing whomever you want, taking the hot bartender home, having a fling with your hot coworker—the choice is yours. Owning your sexuality and having these options is empowering and incredibly sexy.
4. Taking Yourself On Fancy Dates Is Sexy
Dating yourself is the best! You get to treat yourself to top-notch dates, often better than most dates you’ve been on with others. Become fearless, roll solo into that fancy restaurant, order champagne, and enjoy the night without any insecurities.
5. Spending Your Money However You Want Is Sexy
Being financially independent is super sexy. You buy what you want, spoil yourself, invest wisely, and secure your future. Nothing beats financial independence and the peace of mind for a comfortable retirement.
6. Traveling Alone Is Sexy
Traveling is amazing, and traveling alone adds an extra layer of excitement. You get to meet new people, broaden your world view, and maybe even flirt with a cute foreign accent across the beach in Southern Thailand. Check your frequent flier miles and get going!
7. Immersing Yourself In Your Interests Is Sexy
Being single gives you all the time to pursue your passions. Whether it’s writing a book, taking up a new hobby, or starting a collection, doing what you love with your free time is incredibly fulfilling.
8. Having So Much Time To Explore Your Sexuality Is Sexy
While we learn about our sexuality with others, solo exploration through masturbation can teach valuable lessons about what truly excites you. Being single gives you the time to understand and embrace what turns you on.
9. Making Plans For Your Future Is Sexy
Confidence, getting things done, and having awesome plans for your future? That’s as sexy as it gets.
10. Sleeping Alone Is Sexy
Though cuddling is nice, sleeping alone has its perks. Picture a bed all to yourself, in your sexiest PJs (hello, cupcake print flannel), reaching for your favorite toy or book, and drifting off on your own terms. Bliss.
11. Learning To Love Yourself Is Super Sexy
Growth often happens when we’re focused on ourselves. Loving yourself is vital for living your best life. As Carrie Bradshaw famously said, “The most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s fabulous.