10 things that men love in women more than their physical beauty

The first thing anyone notices about a person is often their looks and appearance. Even in matters of love, the disguise and way a woman looks might initially attract a man. But hold your horses, because there’s way more to a successful relationship than just physical beauty! Personality, self-esteem, and wittiness play massive roles in the art of attraction. So, here are .

#1. Kindness

Sure, at the beginning, everyone is on their best behavior, all sweet and kind. But the trick is keeping it up in the long haul! Men pay attention to how a woman speaks about her former colleagues, friends, and even complete strangers.

#2. Independence

An ideal woman has her own unique style and always sets aside time for family and friends while taking care of herself. Independence is imperative—no neediness here! This woman is also a lover of adventure and travel. She’s got her own life and she’s living it.

#3. Intelligence

Brains are sexy! There’s something incredibly attractive about a woman who is educated, witty, and can hold her own in any conversation.

#4. Being His Best Friend

The best relationships are built on friendship. An ideal woman helps her man stay on top of his game. She admires him, supports him, and, of course, laughs at his jokes—even the not-so-funny ones.

#5. Simplicity

Ambition and big dreams are fantastic, but men also appreciate a woman who values the small things in life. The most important aspects? Family, friendship, love, and intimacy.

#6. Openness

Ever met someone who just loves being corrected? Neither have we. Men appreciate a woman who is open to new perspectives and different views instead of condemning them.

#7. Creativity

“Normal” and “average” are snooze-fests. Men want someone special, unique, and creative. A woman who isn’t afraid to do things her own way and carries the spirit of freedom. Now that’s attractive!

#8. Self-awareness

Being open-minded doesn’t mean being naive. A self-aware woman knows herself, trusts her intuition, and understands exactly what she wants and doesn’t want.

#9. Purposefulness

A woman who knows what she wants from life and goes after it is undeniably attractive. She’s found her way and her goal, making her life full of meaning and enthusiasm.

#10. Showing Appreciation

Men love feeling cherished and valued. A woman who makes her man feel loved, warm, and cozy? She’s a keeper!