Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you’re always the one left holding the bill? Well, that’s exactly what’s been happening to me. My boyfriend conveniently “forgets” his credit card every time we go out to eat, and I end up having to pay for everything. I turned to Reddit to find out if I was wrong for how I reacted to the situation, and the responses I got were eye-opening.

You see, my boyfriend’s children absolutely love eating at restaurants, so we go out with them once a week. Each time we go out, my boyfriend magically forgets his card at home, leaving me to foot the bill. At first, it didn’t bother me too much. But recently, it’s been taking a toll on my finances.

I remember one particular night when I had just received payment from my second part-time job. We were going out to dinner with his children again, and I knew I couldn’t afford to pay for everyone. So, I sent him a friendly text reminder to bring his wallet. Well, he just laughed it off and assured me that he won’t forget this time.

When we arrived at the restaurant, his children excitedly ordered a whole bunch of new dishes from the menu. I couldn’t help but notice that these dishes were on the pricier side. So, before we started eating, I asked my boyfriend if he had remembered his wallet this time. To my dismay, he looked shocked and began patting his pockets, searching for his wallet. After a while, he gave me a ashamed look and said, “Guess I forgot it in the other pair of jeans I thought I was going to wear.”

That was the last straw for me. I couldn’t believe that he had “forgotten” his wallet once again. I gathered my things, ready to leave the restaurant without even touching my meal. My boyfriend was taken aback and demanded to know what I was doing. I told him that I couldn’t continue to pay for him and his children every single time we go out. With that, I walked out of the restaurant.

Later, my boyfriend called me and accused me of being selfish for leaving him and his children in that situation. He told me that I hadn’t shown any sympathy for him and his children, and how he had to cancel their food order and take them home hungry. But here’s the thing – I don’t think it’s fair for me to constantly foot the bill. It’s not my responsibility to pay for him and his children every time we go on a date.

I’m reaching a point where I’m becoming frustrated with this recurring issue. I need to have an honest conversation with my boyfriend about finances and responsibility. It’s crucial for both partners to share the financial burden in a relationship. Otherwise, it can create an imbalance and lead to resentment.

I hope that by sharing my story, others in similar situations can find the courage to address their own concerns. Remember, it’s important to clearly communicate your needs and expectations in a relationship, especially when it comes to finances.