Here's why it can be a good idea to carry a potato in your car

Chances are, as you’ve grown older, you’ve accumulated valuable knowledge and wisdom. Passing down this wisdom not only benefits future generations but also makes the world an easier place to navigate. At Newsner, we strive to share useful life-hacks that can improve your daily life. In the past, these tips and tricks were only shared within families, but now we have the power to reach millions with just a click…

So, let’s talk about carrying a potato in your car. How many of you have done this? Or maybe your spouse does? I know it might sound strange, but bear with me, it will all make sense soon.

Aside from being a versatile and delicious food item, potatoes have hidden uses that are not widely known. One such use can actually be a life-saving trick when you’re traveling with your family by car. Yes, it might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s true.

Picture this: you’re driving on the highway and suddenly your windows start fogging up. Your visibility is rapidly diminishing, and panic sets in. What do you do?

Well, here’s where the potato comes to the rescue. According to reports, all you need is a raw potato cut in half. Simply rub the inside of the potato on the windows and windshield of your car. The natural oils from the potato will create a film on the glass that prevents condensation and fogging.

Reduced visibility while driving can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided whenever possible. So, why not try this inexpensive and easy home remedy before embarking on a long drive? It might just save the day.

Did you already know about this life-saving hack? Let us know in the comments. And if you found this article interesting, be sure to check out the related articles below.