It’s important to be aware of potential hazards in our fast-paced lives, especially when it comes to keeping ourselves and our cars safe. So, here’s a safety tip you should always remember – watch out if you see a plastic bottle wedged between your car tire and the chassis.

A New Carjacking Method

Thieves are always coming up with new and effective methods, and one such method involves using a water bottle as a signal device. This technique was first used in Limpopo, South Africa, and has quickly spread to other countries, including the US.

Unveiling the Carjacking Scheme

To protect yourself, it’s essential to understand how this carjacking technique works. The carjackers strategically place a water bottle on the front passenger-side wheel where you won’t easily notice it when you get into your car.

When you start your car and hear the sound of the empty plastic bottle being crushed, it startles you. Naturally, you would stop to investigate what you might have hit. This is when the car thief takes advantage of the situation. If you’ve carelessly left your keys in the ignition while the car is running, the thief can quickly enter and drive away. Alternatively, they may snatch any valuables you’ve left behind, such as cell phones or wallets, by taking advantage of your distraction. Getting out of the car to investigate further puts you in danger.

Keeping Yourself and Your Car Safe

To avoid falling victim to this carjacking strategy, stay vigilant and take precautions. Before getting into your car, take a moment to inspect your wheels for any signs of abnormality. If you find a water bottle wedged between your tire and the frame, be cautious.

Remember that a potential thief could be watching you. Stay calm, and discreetly dial 911 to inform the authorities of your situation and express your concerns for your safety. Provide them with your precise location and details about your car.

Remain Alert in a More Complicated World

In today’s complex world, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and prioritize your safety. By being aware of this new carjacking technique that utilizes plastic bottles, you can reduce the risks to yourself and your car. Never forget that your safety always comes first.