Sean Hannity, the beloved host from Fox News, has recently dropped a bombshell that has left many people surprised. He has announced his departure from New York and is making a move to the sunshine state of Florida. But what’s the reason behind this big decision? Keep reading to find out more!

In a recent broadcast, Hannity excitedly shared the news of his move and gave an update on his brand new studio in Florida. He expressed, “If you’ve been tuning into this program, you know I’ve been considering this move for quite some time, and now we’re kicking off our first broadcast from the free state of Florida. It’s time for me to say goodbye to New York and embrace everything Florida has to offer.”

Hannity also took the time to acknowledge the impressive leadership in Florida, mentioning respected politicians like Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator Marco Rubio, and Senator Rick Scott. He praised them by saying, “For the first time in my adult life, I have representatives in my state who truly share my principles. It’s a refreshing change.”

Why did Hannity decide to leave behind the concrete jungle of New York? He pointed out burdensome taxes, rising crime rates, and suffocating regulations as the main culprits. He passionately stated, “I won’t dwell on the details because it’s clear that many people are already fleeing high-tax, overly regulated, and crime-ridden blue states. If anything, I might be joining the party a bit late.”

Interestingly, Hannity isn’t the only prominent figure who has chosen Florida as their new home. Former President Donald Trump made a similar move in 2019, announcing on social media, “While I have a deep love for New York and its people, my family and I have decided to make Palm Beach, Florida, our permanent residence.” Trump also cited unfavorable treatment from political leaders in New York as an influencing factor in his decision.

Florida seems to be becoming a magnet for conservative figures like Trump and Hannity. The state offers limited government, lower taxes, and a strong emphasis on individual liberties. For those who hold personal conservative values and find themselves at odds with blue states, Florida presents an appealing option for starting anew.

It’s clear that Hannity has made this decision with great conviction. What do you think of his story? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!