A heartwarming and funny incident recently occurred at a wildlife hospital in Cheshire, England. A well-meaning woman brought in what she thought was a baby hedgehog in need of help. However, to everyone’s surprise, it turned out to be a pom-pom beanie hat!

The woman had noticed the tiny creature on the side of the road and was concerned because it hadn’t moved or pooped all night. She carefully placed it in a box with some cat food and brought it to the hospital. Veterinarian Janet Kotze, who was on duty, immediately recognized the mistake.

“It was pretty obvious to us, but I can also see how she was mistaken,” Kotze said. The woman, who was in her sixties or seventies, had handled the situation with great care and concern. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she found out the truth and exclaimed, “You’re joking! Oh my goodness, how did I do that?”

The wildlife hospital affectionately named the pom-pom ‘hoglet’ and shared the story on Facebook. Despite the mix-up, the adorable visitor still received all the love and cozy care it deserved. The hospital emphasized the importance of rescuing real hedgehogs in need and thanked the woman for her kindness, even if it was directed at a faux furry friend.

So, remember, if you ever come across a hedgehog during the day, it’s a sign that something might be wrong. Please place them in a box with a warm source and seek help from your local vets. Let’s keep our prickly friends safe!