Children are easily influenced by trends they come across on the internet, often unaware of the dangerous consequences that may follow. Tragically, one family experienced the devastating loss of their 11-year-old son due to a viral challenge on TikTok. Now, they are determined to raise awareness and caution other parents to have a conversation with their children, in the hope of preventing any more tragedies.

Tommie-Lee Billington, from Lancaster, England, lost his life after participating in a dangerous trend that has been circulating among young people on TikTok. It’s an alarming reminder that the dangers lurking online can have fatal consequences. Sadly, Tommie is not the only victim of this lethal “challenge.” The Sun reports that two teenage girls also lost their lives while engaging in the same trend.

It all started innocently with a sleepover at a friend’s house. Tommie and his friend came across the trend on TikTok, which involved inhaling harmful gases or solvents to achieve a high. Common substances used in this dangerous act include dry shampoo, spray deodorant, and glue. To their dismay, the consequences were immediate. Tommie’s heart stopped, and he tragically passed away on the spot.

Tommie’s grieving mother, Sherry, is now urging fellow parents to have open conversations with their children about the potential dangers of TikTok. In a heartfelt plea on Facebook, she shares her anguish and implores others to take action: “This cost my son his life, and it breaks my heart to think that other kids are still participating in something so dangerous. Please, talk to your children about the life-threatening consequences of these challenges.”

Sherry’s pain is immeasurable, and her tribute to Tommie is filled with love and sorrow: “My whirlwind. I just love you so much mate. My baby boy. You will forever be in my heart. I will do everything in my power to ensure that your name and beautiful face become a beacon of hope, saving other children’s lives and sparing other families from experiencing this deep, deep hurt.”

Let us remember Tommie and keep his family in our thoughts during this difficult time. Together, we must spread this vital message to protect our children from life-threatening trends.