Our hearts go out to the Haynes family as they navigate the unimaginable pain of losing their 13-year-old daughter, Esra, due to a dangerous viral trend known as chroming. This heartbreaking incident has shed light on the urgent need for awareness and education among both parents and teenagers.

Esra was a vibrant and talented young girl, known for her determination and love for sports. She co-captained the Montrose Football Netball Club and even led her team to a national aerobics championship. Her life was tragically cut short after attending a sleepover where she unknowingly inhaled toxic chemicals from an aerosol deodorant, causing irreparable brain damage and cardiac arrest.

The devastating call that every parent dreads shattered Esra’s parents, Andrea and Paul. They had always known where their daughter was and who she was with, so receiving the news was a shock beyond words. It was later revealed that Esra’s friends mistook her symptoms for a panic attack, unaware of the grave danger she was in.

Despite their hopes and prayers, Esra’s condition continued to deteriorate, and after eight agonizing days on life support, Andrea and Paul had to make the heart-wrenching decision to let their precious daughter go. They gathered family and friends for their final goodbyes, cuddling Esra until the very end.

This devastating loss has not only shattered the Haynes family but has also deeply impacted the community. Esra’s siblings, Imogen, Seth, and Charlie, are overwhelmed by grief, and the pain extends beyond their immediate circle into the hearts of their friends and neighbors.

Chroming, a trend that involves inhaling toxic chemicals to achieve a short-term high, has become alarmingly popular among teenagers. Products readily available in stores, such as deodorant, paint, hairspray, and markers, are being misused for this dangerous purpose. The consequences can be severe and, as in Esra’s case, fatal.

Esra’s parents are now determined to raise awareness of chroming and its deadly consequences. They urge parents to have open and honest conversations with their children, educating them about the dangers and providing them with accurate information. It is crucial that teenagers receive this knowledge directly from their parents rather than through social media or peers.

Paul, Esra’s father, emphasizes the importance of being educated about chroming as a preventive measure: “If we were educated and the word had been put out there, we would have had the discussion around our kitchen table for sure.” By empowering parents with the right information, the hope is to save more lives and spare families from enduring the same devastating loss.

Let us come together as a community to support the Haynes family and honor Esra’s memory by sharing this story and spreading awareness about the dangers of chroming. We owe it to our children to educate them about the risks and help them make safer choices.