Saudi Arabia’s technological progress took an embarrassing turn when the country’s first humanoid male robot, Muhammad, inappropriately touched a female reporter during a public event. The cringe-worthy incident was caught on camera and has since gone viral, causing widespread outrage and disbelief.

The incident occurred during DeepFest, an AI gathering in Riyadh where experts and enthusiasts come together to discuss advancements in artificial intelligence. Muhammad was intended to be a highlight of the event but ended up attracting attention for all the wrong reasons.

Standing behind TV journalist Rawya Kassem, Muhammad slowly extended its right arm towards her, attempting to touch her buttocks while she was in the middle of her report. Rawya immediately turned around, motioned for the robot to back off, and shot it a disapproving glare before resuming her report.

The robot’s appearance added to the unsettling nature of the incident. With its lifelike resemblance to a man wearing a long gown, below a red and white keffiyeh, Muhammad appeared eerily realistic, intensifying the discomfort caused by its inappropriate behavior.

The repercussions for Muhammad’s actions remain unclear, as his handlers have not addressed the incident or provided an explanation. Some individuals even defended the robot, suggesting it was a glitch rather than a deliberate act.

This incident serves as a stark reminder that advancements in technology should not overshadow the importance of respecting boundaries and maintaining ethical standards. While robots and AI have the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, it is crucial to ensure they are programmed to behave appropriately and treat individuals with dignity and respect.