Library Lets People Trade Cat Pics For The Clearing Of Unpaid Dues During March Meowness

Gone are the days of libraries being filled with stern looks, silent corridors, and librarians who walk about saying “shh!” to everyone. The Worcester Public Library in Massachusetts is here to prove it with a touch of fun and innovation.

The library has launched an exciting program called March Meowness, which aims to bring back readers, even those with lost or damaged items. And the best part? To clear their dues, all people have to do is present a picture, drawing, or even a magazine clipping of a cat. That’s right—cats can help readers reclaim their love for the library!

Massachusetts library is letting people use cat pictures to pay off their fines

The Worcester Public Library believes that unpaid dues should not stop people from enjoying their library experience. To encourage readers to come back, they came up with this unique program that promises fee forgiveness in exchange for a cat picture. This not only allows people to share their love for cats but also adds a delightful touch of whimsy and fun to the idea of returning to the library.

As the library puts it on their website, “Got fees for lost or damaged Worcester Public Library items? Show us a picture of a cat (any cat)*, and we will forgive your fees.”

Executive Director Jason Homer explains that they welcome all kinds of cat pictures, even those depicting tigers and lions. “Even if you don’t have a cat in your life, you can still draw one,” he says. The library is excited to see all the creative ways people bring cats into the picture.

March Meowness isn’t just about fee forgiveness—it’s a month-long program filled with cat-themed activities. From cat eye makeup tutorials to talks from certified cat behaviorists, DIY cat toy sessions, and more, the library is dedicated to bringing joy and laughter to its visitors.

The Worcester Public Library understands that accidents happen and life can get in the way. With March Meowness, they aim to reduce barriers and provide readers with another chance. The library always strives to make a positive impact and believes in making the library experience enjoyable for everyone.

The program has been a huge success so far, with hundreds of people participating and having their library accounts unblocked. The library now proudly displays a “cat wall” adorned with photos and drawings of cats brought in by readers. Jason explains that they gladly accept all kinds of animals, not just cats, as honorary members of the cat wall.

This initiative has not only brought laughter and joy but has also helped break the stereotype that librarians are always uptight. As Jason puts it, “We don’t really have the high buns and ‘shush’ people anymore. We are still book lovers, cardigan lovers, and cat lovers.”

Through March Meowness, the Worcester Public Library hopes to change people’s perceptions of libraries and highlight their commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive space for all. They have exciting cat-themed programs lined up for the entire month to celebrate their feline friends.

So, if you have any outstanding fees or lost items from the Worcester Public Library, it’s time to bring in a cat picture and experience the charm of March Meowness. Let’s celebrate cats, laughter, and the joy of reading together!