Respect should be given to everyone, regardless of their job. Sadly, not everyone understands this simple truth. Meet Joe Cousins’ mother, Julie, who worked as a cleaner for an impressive 35 years. Throughout her career, she met many wonderful people and found joy in her work. However, in 2021, a terrible incident involving her manager pushed her to resign.

Julie spent the last five years at HSBC Bank in the UK. It was during this time that she encountered a boss who caused her a lot of trouble. To add insult to injury, this manager, who bore the same name as Julie, looked down on her because of her role. It was a miserable encounter with this manager that finally convinced Julie it was time to retire. But before bidding farewell to her colleagues, she wanted to address the issue with the other Julie.

Instead of using a disrespectful tone in her resignation letter, Julie chose a kind yet assertive approach to convey her feelings. “I’ve decided to leave the job, Julie, after the way you treated me in the office,” Joe’s mom, Julie, writes. “Your behavior was nothing short of aggressive and cruel, but it reflects on your character, not mine.”

Joe was incredibly proud of his mother’s response, so he decided to share her well-crafted letter online. Julie’s letter has since garnered international support and attention. But what resonates with people the most are the wise words she offered, not only to her manager but also to her colleagues. “So going forward, please remember,” Julie writes, “in a world where you can be anything, be kind because we’re all equal, regardless of our roles.”

Although it was unfortunate that Julie had to leave her job under such circumstances, the Cousins’ family is happy to report that she is now enjoying her well-deserved retirement. “And that’s why I love my mum,” Joe shares proudly. “She dedicated 35 years to cleaning banks and today, she walked out with this lovely note for that awful manager. Happy retirement, Mum! Let’s always have the last laugh, shall we?”