Moose are magnificent creatures who belong in the wild. So when James West from Alaska encountered a young moose near a garbage station, he knew something was amiss. “It was strange to see a moose there,” West shared.

Last year, James West found himself in the right place at the right time. While passing a pair of dumpsters, he spotted something unusual. To his surprise, it was a moose chewing on what appeared to be a trash bag. Intrigued, James approached the moose cautiously, but he couldn’t quite make out what it had in its mouth.

The moose seemed disoriented, breathing heavily, and frothing at the mouth. Sensing something was terribly wrong, James bravely decided to investigate. He realized that a plastic garbage bag was obstructing the moose’s throat, putting its life at risk.

Approaching an injured moose was undoubtedly risky, but James felt compelled to help. He knew he couldn’t wait for animal control. With a sense of urgency, James cautiously approached the moose, aware of the potential danger. Moose are generally not aggressive towards humans, but provoking or startling them can lead to aggression.

James said, “The speed and power of a moose is unforgiving. It would only take one kick to hospitalize someone, if not kill them.” However, after patiently speaking to the moose for about 10 minutes, slowly inching closer, James could tell the animal understood he meant no harm.

Eventually, James managed to remove the plastic from the moose’s throat. To his surprise, it wasn’t a difficult task. The relief was profound, both for James and the moose. After the plastic was removed, the once distressed moose transformed into a joyful, playful creature.

“He began to exhibit what I can only describe as excitement and playfulness,” West recalled. “There was a moment when I was concerned he would try to play with me, like a big, clumsy puppy, and unintentionally hurt me.”

The area around the garbage station was messy, with plastic and litter strewn outside the bins. In an effort to prevent more animals from ingesting life-threatening plastic, James cleaned up the area. As he tidied up, he stumbled upon an old pumpkin, which turned out to be a delightful treat for the grateful moose.

James believed that the moose he rescued was likely around two or three years old, experiencing its first winter alone as a “little guy.” What could have been a tragedy ended up becoming a heartwarming moment for both the moose and James.

“He was full of spirit and happiness,” James said. “I stayed there for about an hour, watching him eat and play. I took some photos and simply felt relieved that things turned out the way they did.”

James shared his story on Facebook, never expecting it to gain such attention. Thousands of people shared his post, praising him for his heroic act. Despite the acclaim, James remains modest and finds fulfillment in the simple joy of being up close to the moose and offering assistance.

“It was nothing. I never expected my post to gain so much attention,” James humbly expressed. “Reading through the comments, I was overwhelmed. Many called me a hero, but I’m not sure if what I did was heroic or foolish. However, I would do it again for any animal at any age.”

In a world where negative news prevails, sharing stories like James’ serves as an act of resistance. It reminds us that amidst the chaos, there is still beauty and kindness. So let’s continue to share James’ incredible story, uplifting and inspiring one another, as we strive towards creating a more compassionate world for all beings.