A remark scribbled on the back of an SUV quickly went viral after being shared online. The message, which said, “This is America…we don’t redistribute wealth…we earn it!”, caught the attention of many people who praised the driver for their statement.

The image of the car was posted on Reddit, with the user writing, “Saw this patriot while driving.” The response was overwhelmingly positive, with many readers agreeing with the sentiment about the redistribution of wealth.

“Yeah, kudos to the person who had the courage to display this message on their rear window!!!! More people should do the same, and maybe it will make some of the freeloaders who think they’re owed a living think twice!!!!” One reader commented on the site’s Facebook page.

Another reader added, “We are redistributing wealth by giving too much money to young people who can work but choose not to. They have too much free time on their hands, and some get into trouble. We need to focus on jobs and solving drug problems, not enabling them!”

Many agreed that this message should be on every patriotic American vehicle, as it represents true American values.

However, some felt that the message was something that should already be understood by everyone. “I don’t understand why liberals find it so difficult to grasp. Our nation was built on the idea that the government shouldn’t interfere in our lives, allowing us to be productive. Every entitlement program is simply a way to redistribute wealth. Stephan Molyneux is absolutely right when he says that government entitlement programs are a violation of our property rights,” one Reddit user commented.

On the other hand, some people found the message to be too straightforward and lacking nuance.

Overall, this message on the back of an SUV has sparked a conversation about wealth redistribution and the role of government in our lives. It has garnered both support and criticism, highlighting the differing opinions on this issue.