Madonna, the legendary pop icon, bravely opens up about a near-death health crisis she experienced recently. During her Celebration Tour performance in Los Angeles, she shared the terrifying details of her battle. Just before her tour was scheduled to begin, she was struck by a severe bacterial infection that left her drained of energy.

Desperate for answers, Madonna would contact her doctor frequently, questioning when her energy would return and when she could resume touring. However, the only advice she received was to spend time outside in the sun. This simple suggestion became a difficult task for her, as even walking from her house to the backyard became a struggle.

“It was so hard for me to walk from my house to the backyard and sit in the sun. I know that sounds insane, but it was difficult, and I didn’t know when I could get up again, when I could be myself again, and when I’d have my energy back,” Madonna shared with the audience during her performance. She described the experience of feeling out of control as a valuable lesson in letting go.

Throughout this challenging time, Madonna expressed her gratitude for the people who took care of her and patiently listened to her endless complaints. She acknowledged their kindness and understanding.

Manager’s Unusual Question and Madonna’s Determination

An interesting moment occurred when Madonna’s manager, Guy Oseary, asked her when she would be ready to hit the road again while she was still hooked up to medical machines. Madonna, with determination in her eyes, removed the oxygen from her nose and confidently replied, “in two f—ing months!” Madonna believes in the power of speaking her goals into the universe, and this declaration became a reality.

Madonna also shared how her family played a crucial role in her recovery. It was the unwavering support and hard work of her children that propelled her forward. She didn’t want to let them down, so she set a date for her comeback, and that date became her reality.

Currently, Madonna’s Celebration Tour is scheduled to conclude on April 26th at Mexico City’s Palacio De Los Deportes. Her journey to reclaim her vitality and conquer her health scare is a testament to the strength and resilience of this iconic artist.