Liam Griffiths, a 31-year-old man battling a terminal illness, is urging people to prioritize their health after realizing the gravity of his own mistake. Once considered the “healthiest man in the world,” Liam’s life took an unexpected turn when he received devastating news about his condition. Despite being a dedicated gym-goer and leading an active lifestyle, Liam is now just a mere shadow of his former self.

Physically, Liam has become fragile and struggles with even the simplest tasks, such as walking up the stairs. He laments, “I am literally living the worst type of life I could have ever imagined. It’s horrible. Mentally, it’s taken a toll on me. Physically, it’s taken everything out of me.”

Liam’s journey started with seemingly minor symptoms, including stomach swelling, chronic constipation, cramps, and vomiting. Initially, he decided not to make a fuss due to his self-employment, as he would lose wages. However, as his symptoms worsened and became unmanageable, he was left with no choice but to go to the hospital.

First diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an inflammation of the digestive system, Liam’s life was turned upside down when the doctors urgently contacted him a month later. They informed him that he had peritoneal cancer and would need to undergo grueling chemotherapy treatment. Despite undergoing surgery to combat the disease, it proved unsuccessful, and Liam’s condition is now terminal.

When Liam asked his doctor about his life expectancy, he was advised against focusing his whole life on it. Determined to live his life to the fullest, Liam decided to fulfill his wishes and create lasting memories with his loved ones. Unfortunately, his declining health has forced him to cross demanding activities off his bucket list, as he won’t physically be able to do them.

Through his ordeal, Liam hopes to emphasize the importance of prioritizing health. Ignoring symptoms and not seeking medical help sooner, he admits, is the biggest mistake he has ever made. He encourages others not to repeat his error and urges them to prioritize their well-being. Liam’s story serves as a reminder to put health first and not take it for granted.

Liam’s chemotherapy treatment through the NHS is no longer effective, leading him to pay for private treatment, scans, and medication in an effort to prolong his life. Moved by his bravery, his friend Eve Bannatyne, daughter of Dragon’s Den star Duncan Bannatyne, launched a JustGiving fundraiser to support Liam’s medical expenses. The campaign has already raised over £18,000.

Pascale Harvie, President and General Manager of JustGiving, commends Liam’s incredible strength and bravery in battling this terrible disease. She highlights that he is not only fighting for his own life but also raising awareness to motivate other men to prioritize their health by sharing his own story.

Let Liam’s story serve as a wake-up call for us all. Health is a precious gift that should never be taken lightly. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Prioritize your well-being, listen to your body, and visit the doctor if something doesn’t feel right.