A Remarkable Story of Love, Fate, and Second Chances

At the tender age of 15, Stacey Faix faced an unimaginable dilemma: to keep her baby or give him up for adoption. With a heart full of love, she made the selfless choice to give her baby boy a chance at a better life. Little did she know that their paths would cross again 35 years later, in a reunion filled with joy and tears.

In November 2017, Pennsylvania passed a law that granted adoptees access to their original birth certificates. This law caught the attention of Stephen Strawn, an adoptee determined to uncover his roots. With the stroke of luck, he held his birth certificate for the first time, revealing precious details that had been kept from him for so long.

“It was a moment of immense relief,” Strawn shared. Empowered by this newfound knowledge, he set out on a mission to find his biological mother, Stacey Faix. His search led him to a Facebook profile bearing her name.

Taking a leap of faith, Strawn messaged Faix, posing an unusual question, “Hey, I have a really weird question. Did you put a baby boy up for adoption in 1982?” Faix confirmed his suspicions, and in that instant, a spark of recognition ignited between them.

Despite residing in different states, it seemed as if their paths were destined to cross once again. As fate would have it, both Faix and Strawn were part of Team Red, White, and Blue (RWB), an organization dedicated to supporting veterans. Miraculously, they were both registered to participate in the Pittsburgh Half Marathon.

On the day of the race, Strawn orchestrated a beautiful surprise that would bring tears of joy to his mother’s eyes. As Team RWB assembled before the race, someone handed Faix a card. Inside, she found a heartfelt message that read: “It’s been 13,075 days since you last saw me. I didn’t want you to wait one more day.”

Faix could hardly believe her eyes as tears welled up. The moment she had longed for, for countless years, had finally arrived. Overwhelmed with emotion, they shared countless embraces. “We must have hugged about 10 different times,” Strawn joyfully recalled, describing their heartwarming reunion. “It just felt so surreal that it was finally happening because it all happened so fast.”

As mother and son embraced their second chance at a relationship, they tackled the marathon together, making up for all the years lost. They exchanged stories, laughter, and caught up on the 35 years they had spent apart.

This incredible tale is a testament to the incredible power of love. It’s a story of a courageous young mother who chose life and entrusted her precious baby to a loving family. It’s a story of destiny, bringing together two souls after 35 long years. And most importantly, it’s a story of love that triumphs against all odds, allowing them to reunite and rediscover a bond like no other.

Let’s share this heartwarming story and spread the love!