We’ve all faced questions about our plans for having children, but for Charli Worgan and her husband Cullen, the inquiries were often accompanied by confusion and doubt. As a Sydney-based couple with different types of dwarfism, they have encountered constant public scrutiny, especially when Charli became pregnant with their first child.

Instead of allowing this adversity to define them, Charli turned it into an opportunity to educate and inspire others. Little did she know that her social media account would attract over 300,000 followers and become a platform to share their remarkable family journey.

Celebrating Joy, Embracing Challenges

Today, this resilient couple takes pride in being parents to two beautiful daughters. Charli recently announced that she is 14 weeks pregnant with their third child. However, this news comes with mixed emotions.

Due to the genetic challenges they face, Charli and Cullen undergo intensive testing for each pregnancy. Their offspring could potentially inherit one type of dwarfism from either parent, be of average height, or even inherit both types of dwarfism, which experts believe would have devastating consequences.

Charli has expressed her disappointment in not being able to celebrate the traditional 12-week milestone of her pregnancy like most mothers. Instead of joyous announcements, Charli found herself undergoing invasive genetic testing procedures.

An Emotional Rollercoaster

Their two daughters, Tully and Tilba, aged two and four respectively, both have one type of dwarfism. So, when Charli became pregnant with their third child, they eagerly awaited the results to determine which of the four possibilities their baby would inherit.

In a heartfelt post on Instagram, Charli explained the four potential outcomes:

  • Their baby could be of average height.
  • Their baby could have Achondroplasia, the same type of dwarfism as Charli.

  • Their baby could have Geleophysic Dysplasia, the same type of dwarfism as Cullen.

  • Their baby could inherit both genetic variations, known as “double dominant dwarfism,” which medical professionals believe would be fatal upon birth. In such a case, Charli would have to make the heart-wrenching decision whether to carry on or terminate the pregnancy.

Charli bravely acknowledged that she was anxiously waiting to learn if their baby’s journey continues or ends before March 2021.

Challenging Judgments

Despite facing criticism for sharing her life so publicly, Charli addresses this head-on in her post. She explains, “I’ve faced criticism for choosing to have babies with these odds, but by sharing this small piece of our story, doubters can see that bringing a child into the world with these challenges is not a simple decision. It’s about kindness.”

Charli’s journey as a parent mirrors that of so many others. Her posts serve as a source of inspiration, reminding us that the challenges and joys of bringing children into the world are universal. This extraordinary family is a true testament to the power of love, resilience, and determination to embrace life against all odds.

Charli’s Instagram post gives a glimpse into her journey as a parent and serves as an inspiration for all parents out there: “I may be tired, but I’m overwhelmingly grateful and fortunate. There’s no ‘right’ way to navigate motherhood, and there’s certainly no ‘wrong’ way either.”