Driving to a shopping trip in Haverfordwest, UK, Carol Howarth couldn’t have anticipated the surprising turn of events awaiting her. After parking her car and returning, she was shocked to find her vehicle besieged by an entire swarm of bees. Hundreds of them had made themselves comfortable on the back of her car, turning it into an unconventional resting spot.

The peculiar sight didn’t go unnoticed. Tom Moses, a local resident, couldn’t help but be amazed by the spectacle. “As I drove there, I noticed a large crowd of people taking photographs. However, I was concerned,” Tom recalled.

Worried that someone might react abruptly, like throwing hot water on the bees since her car was parked near a bar, he decided to take action. Tom quickly dialed the number for the local beekeepers, hoping they could intervene and prevent any mishaps.

Thanks to the prompt response of the beekeepers, the swarm was peacefully gathered and transferred into a box. The situation seemed to be under control, or so they thought. Carol, however, got an unexpected surprise. “The next day, I noticed that the bees had followed me home!” she exclaimed. Now it was up to her to once again contact the beekeepers and seek their assistance.

The beekeepers hypothesized that something inside Carol’s car, possibly something sweet, had attracted the queen bee. The queen then got entangled in the car’s plastic, leading to a mesmerizing congregation of about 2,000 bees on the vehicle. Eventually, the beekeepers managed to free the queen bee, who promptly returned to her abode.

Although bees typically follow their queen, it was deemed unusual for them to trail a car for two consecutive days. “It’s strange that they followed a car,” remarked one of the beekeepers, Roger Burns. This incident highlights the incredible instincts and loyalty of honeybees towards their queen.