Have you ever wondered what your sitting position says about your personality? It turns out that the way you sit can reveal a lot about your goals, hidden secrets, and even your inner self. So, pay attention to how you and others sit to learn more about yourselves and those around you!

The A Position: Amiable and Imaginative

If you find yourself sitting in the “A” position, with your legs spread apart, it suggests that you may have a tendency to put off dealing with your problems. You may overlook or assign blame for your issues instead of finding solutions. While this preference can cost you time and missed opportunities, there are positive aspects to it as well.

Individuals who sit in the “A” position are often amiable, imaginative, and have a childlike spirit. They may occasionally speak without thinking but possess an attractive allure that draws people to them. Their innovative ideas are highly regarded at work, and their dislike of routine motivates them to seek new experiences and form meaningful connections wherever they go. They believe in the power of starting over and improving their situation when unhappy.

The B Position: Private and Fascinating

The B position, characterized by crossing one leg over the other while sitting, indicates a person who values their privacy and guards their innermost self. They may come across as somewhat reserved in social situations and may harbor secrets they prefer to keep to themselves. However, this position also suggests intelligence and knowledge, making them intriguing to know.

The individuals who adopt the B position are often dreamers with vivid imaginations. They excel at work due to their innovative ideas and dislike of monotony. Their thirst for new experiences leads them to travel and form meaningful connections. They prioritize personal growth and strive to improve their situation if they are unhappy with it. They value their time and energy and avoid wasting it on unfulfilling relationships or demanding jobs.

The C Position: Detail-Oriented and Comfort-Seeking

The C posture emphasizes comfort above all else. Those who sit in this position enjoy achieving perfection in their surroundings and experiences. They may even develop an obsession with striving for that goal. They pay close attention to significant things like furniture as well as personal items such as clothing, shoes, and fragrances.

While they possess meticulousness, their disorderliness can sometimes overshadow it. They may need assistance focusing in busy or chaotic environments. Others might find their lack of attention offensive and perceive it as dismissive or arrogant. However, they bring a unique skillset and challenges to the table. By being aware of their biases and striving to overcome their limitations, they can contribute to a happy and productive workplace.

Sitting Styles and Expressiveness

Apart from the A, B, and C positions, there are other sitting styles that reveal different aspects of personality. Those who prefer to sit up straight may be shrewd but hesitant to show their emotions in order to maintain mental tranquility. They consider kissing a private act that should be reserved for more intimate settings.

On the other hand, individuals who sit with their feet firmly on the ground tend to be expressive and open with their feelings. While some might perceive them as impolite, they are not afraid to voice their emotions. Those who sit with their feet crossed or folded under their chairs may struggle with social interaction and view it as a competitive game in which they must watch out for rivals. They seek solace in their homes, where they can relax and let their guard down, but finding it difficult to accept criticism due to their personal connection with their surroundings.

The E Position: Perseverance and Self-Defense

Lastly, those who typically adopt the “E” position, sitting with their legs extended straight out in front of them, are often perseverant and patient individuals. They place importance on appearance and go to great lengths to look their best. They believe that everything will fall into place at the right time, preferring not to rush themselves or those around them.

However, this posture can also stem from insecurity and a sense of discomfort within. They tend to take criticism personally and feel the need to defend themselves, which can make it challenging for them to address it constructively.


As you can see, the way someone sits reveals a lot about their personality. From their level of vulnerability to their confidence and expressiveness, their sitting position tells a story. So, the next time you’re in the company of others, pay attention to how they sit and discover a whole new way to understand them better!