At the age of 72, legendary actor and musician Bruce Springsteen opened up about his personal battle with mental health. In a recent interview, he reflected on the darkest moments in his life, questioning whether he even wanted to continue living. He revealed the “dangerous” challenges he and his family faced due to their mental health issues.

Throughout his career, Springsteen experienced several mental breakdowns. The first one occurred unexpectedly when he was only 32 years old, shortly after the release of his album Nebraska. While driving from New York to Los Angeles with a friend, he was deeply affected by the sight of couples holding hands and a band playing on their journey. This triggered an overwhelming and unsettling reaction within him.

Springsteen, who has struggled with “agitated depression” for many years, often sees himself as an observer, detached from the complexities of everyday life and human connections. Although he still doesn’t fully understand what triggered his deep sense of emptiness, he speculates that it may stem from repressed trauma from childhood relationships.

“As we get older, the weight of our unsorted baggage grows heavier… much heavier,” he mentioned. “Each year, the cost of our refusal to address these unresolved issues rises.”

His strained relationship with his father, which he vividly shares in his memoir “Born to Run,” also contributed to his internal struggles. Springsteen described his father’s love for him as deep, yet overshadowed by an underlying disdain. This complicated dynamic left a lasting impact on him.

In a candid conversation with Esquire, Springsteen spoke openly about his battle with depression in his 30s and again in his 60s. He expressed feeling profoundly uncomfortable in his own skin during those periods, yearning for an escape from the overwhelming darkness that engulfed him. He admitted that these experiences felt dangerous and triggered a barrage of negative thoughts, leaving him in a state of doom and gloom.

Springsteen’s story not only sheds light on the challenges he faced but also highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues. Regardless of age, it is crucial to acknowledge our emotions and seek help when needed. Springsteen’s resilience and openness serve as an inspiration for others who may be silently struggling with their mental well-being. Together, we can create a society where mental health is prioritized, understood, and supported.