Bullying is a hurtful behavior that nobody should ever tolerate. Sadly, it is a problem that many people face during their school years. High school can already be challenging enough without having to deal with issues with classmates, which can make the experience even more stressful.

Recently, a father found out that his 16-year-old daughter was bullying another student. What made it even worse was that the student she was bullying was fighting cancer. The altercation between the two students started over a boy and quickly escalated. The daughter went to extreme measures by pulling off the cancer patient’s wig.

In an effort to teach his daughter a lesson about empathy and kindness, the dad decided that her punishment would be shaving her head. He took this action without consulting his ex-wife, despite having guardianship over their teenager.

As more details emerged, it became clear that there was more to the situation than meets the eye. It was revealed that there had been an ongoing feud between the two girls because they were both interested in the same boy. The daughter claimed that the cancer patient had made hurtful remarks about her relationship with the boy, which shocked the father because he had no idea his daughter was already sexually active.

While there may have been faults on both sides, the father strongly believed that his daughter’s behavior was inexcusable. He was disappointed by her lack of remorse for her actions and her belief that the other girl deserved to be bullied.

As a consequence, the father gave his daughter two options: either he would take away all her electronics or she would have her head shaved at a hair salon.

When the father shared his story on Reddit, the community did not hold back their opinions. While some condemned the father for threatening to shave his daughter’s head, others disagreed on various aspects of the situation.

One user argued that the father should consider what the other girl had done to provoke his daughter, suggesting that maybe she was simply standing up for herself. Another user pointed out the insensitivity of taking off a cancer patient’s wig, even in the midst of a high school feud.

Criticism was also directed towards the father for not consulting his ex-wife about the punishment and for going to such extremes. It was highlighted that while the daughter had made mistakes, her behavior was towards a girl she had been feuding with for a while, who happened to have cancer.

Many Reddit users were disappointed in the father’s choice of punishment, seeing it as an example of bad parenting. They believed that there could have been alternative ways to address the situation without resorting to physical humiliation.

The question remains: What would you do if you were the parent in this situation? Teaching kindness and empathy is undoubtedly important, but is shaving a teenager’s head the best approach?