It has been 6 years since the beloved actress and author, Carrie Fisher, passed away at the age of 60. Her daughter, Billie Lourd, recently paid tribute to her mother on the anniversary of her death, sharing a touching message about living and grieving.

In an Instagram caption alongside a childhood photo of herself with Fisher, Lourd expressed her mixed emotions. She mentioned how the time feels like it has flown by and yet also feels like an eternity. It’s a sentiment that many of us can relate to when we reflect on the loss of a loved one.

But despite the sorrow, Lourd found solace and joy in the recent birth of her second child. She described the past two weeks as some of the most joyful moments of her life. She lovingly shared the magical experience of giving birth and watching her son meet his new sister. However, she acknowledged that these moments of happiness are intertwined with the reality of grief.

Lourd expressed her longing for her mother to be here to meet her children and to witness the magic of their lives. While Fisher may not physically be present, Lourd keeps her memory alive by sharing stories and her favorite things with her kids. She wants them to know how much Fisher would have loved them.

Reflecting on her own journey, Lourd acknowledged that grief doesn’t fade away. It coexists with the magical moments in life. In her powerful message, she encouraged others who are experiencing the same duality of grief and joy to remember that they are not alone. She emphasized the importance of embracing both the magic and the sorrow that life brings.

Lourd concluded by reminding us all to hold onto the magic of life a little tighter, to cherish our loved ones, and to keep their memories alive through the stories we share. In a poignant finale, she reminded those who are experiencing grief alongside the joys of life that they are seen and understood.

Let Billie Lourd’s heartfelt tribute to her mother, Carrie Fisher, serve as a reminder to treasure the moments of joy despite the pain of loss. Grief is a part of life, but so is magic. And in the midst of it all, we find strength, love, and connection.