Making a life-altering decision about removing a loved one from life support is one of the hardest choices anyone can face. Ryan Finley found himself in this heartbreaking situation when his wife, Jill, slipped into a coma. But what happened next was nothing short of a miracle.

Ryan was the one who discovered Jill unresponsive and not breathing. He immediately sprang into action, performing CPR and desperately hoping for a positive outcome. Paramedics arrived and managed to revive Jill, but her heart was weak and her breathing labored. She was rushed to the Oklahoma Heart Hospital, where doctors placed her in a specialized suit to minimize brain damage from lack of oxygen. Sadly, Jill slipped into a coma.

Days turned into weeks, and Ryan never lost hope. But as time went on, he was told that the chances of Jill waking up were slim to none. Devastated, Ryan was faced with the difficult decision of whether to remove her from life support. He poured his heart out in his diary, agonizing over the choice.

“Today could be the worst day of my life,” Ryan wrote, as quoted by TODAY. “I essentially have to decide whether or not she will die or not.” Putting himself in Jill’s shoes, he believed she wouldn’t want to continue living in that state, so he made the heartbreaking call.

Family members said their goodbyes, and as the life support was switched off, Jill astonished everyone. Doctors explained that she was experiencing a phenomenon known as the “last rally,” meaning that the body can briefly rally before eventually passing away. But to Ryan’s disbelief and immense joy, Jill started mumbling. In the midst of his heartbreak, she requested to go to Melting Pot or Ted’s, her favorite Mexican restaurants.

Ryan knew deep down that his wife would fight against all odds and come back to him. And he was right. Jill began breathing on her own and underwent a successful heart surgery and rehabilitation. Although she couldn’t recall anything from her time in the coma, she did experience some short-term memory and speech issues. But overall, she felt fine and was grateful for the second chance that God had bestowed upon her.

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