As we get older, we witness many heartwarming moments that touch our souls. This is one such moment, where a faithful dog found closure by saying a final goodbye at her owner’s funeral. The sight was so profound that it left everyone in awe.

Dogs, known for their loyalty, are always there for their owners, through thick and thin. They have been seen protecting and comforting their loved ones in times of distress. Sadie, a 13-year-old border collie-dalmatian-shepherd mix, was no exception. She had been a part of her human parents’ lives since she was just a puppy.

Tragedy struck when Sadie’s human dad suddenly passed away. The loss was devastating for both Sadie and her human mom, Julia Beaulieu. In the midst of grief, Sadie walked up to her late owner’s side and gently nudged his hand with her nose. It was a heartbreaking scene that showcased the deep bond between them.

Days passed, but Sadie continued to wait by the window, hoping to see her owner’s familiar face. She even stopped eating, losing 10 pounds in the process. Seeing Sadie’s struggle, Julia came up with a beautiful idea. She believed that it was important for Sadie to bid a final farewell to her beloved human companion. And so, she decided to include Sadie in her husband’s memorial service.

During the visitation, Sadie walked up to the casket with Julia, standing on her hind legs to get a glimpse of her late owner. At first, Sadie seemed puzzled, as if trying to comprehend the sight before her. But soon, a sense of peace washed over her, and she stayed close to her mom throughout the service.

The heartfelt photo of Sadie and Julia at the memorial service captured the attention of Jeremy May, from Elements Cremation, who helped organize the event. He believes that pets are part of the family too, and more and more people are bringing their furry companions to such ceremonies. This touching photo beautifully showcases the profound bond between humans and dogs.

Upon returning home from the memorial service, Sadie walked through the door and finally ate her first meal in days. It was as if seeing her loved one for one last time brought her the closure she needed to move forward.

Stories like these remind us of the power of love and the unique relationships we share with our furry friends. Let’s cherish these heartwarming moments and hold them close to our hearts.