Do you remember the story of Rapunzel, the princess with incredibly long hair? Well, prepare to be amazed by Alia Nasyrova, a 33-year-old Latvian woman who could easily be mistaken for the real-life Rapunzel. With hair that reaches a mind-boggling length of 90 inches, she truly embodies the enchanting charm of this beloved fairytale character.

Alia Nasyrova

Growing and showcasing her long hair has become Alia’s passion, and she has even turned it into her profession. For the past two decades, she has dedicated herself to nurturing her luscious locks, drawing inspiration from the captivating long-haired heroines in her favorite fairy tales.

On her website, Alia shares her dreams of exploring the world and meeting other long-haired beauties. She sees her hair as a work of art and wants to share its mesmerizing beauty with the world.

Alia Nasyrova's hair

Maintaining hair of this nature is no easy task. Alia spends an hour each day washing and air-drying her hair, ensuring it stays healthy and radiant. When she goes out, she carries a day bag filled with 22 pounds of liquids, including shampoo, conditioner, and various hair accessories. She even uses a yoga mat to perform exercises that keep her supple brown locks strong and beautiful.

Alia’s husband, Ivan Balaban, adores her exquisite hair and takes extra care to avoid damaging it. He treats her hair with the utmost respect, keeping his distance and even having conversations with her braid, sometimes asking it to move slightly.

Managing such extremely long hair comes with its challenges. Alia recalls a childhood incident when someone accidentally got chewing gum stuck in her hair. Removing it meant making the difficult decision to cut out a clump of hair. Such incidents highlight the intricacies of maintaining such extraordinary hair.

Xie Qiuping, record holder of longest hair

It’s worth noting that while Alia is often referred to as the “real-life Rapunzel,” she is not the record holder for the longest hair. That title belongs to Xie Qiuping from China, whose hair measures a staggering 18 feet 5 inches, according to the Guinness World Records.

We truly admire Alia Nasyrova for her dedication and perseverance in cultivating her beautiful long locks. Managing hair of this length is undoubtedly a challenge. So, what are your thoughts on extremely long hair? Would you be up for the task, or do you prefer shorter and more manageable hair? Let us know your thoughts!