A Mother’s Love: Embracing Beauty, Defying Expectations


Angelica, an adorable little girl born on May 6, 2018, is a bright and precious light in her mother’s life. With a unique heart-shaped port wine stain on her face, Angelica possesses a charm that captivates all those who have the pleasure of meeting her. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the true beauty behind this birthmark, leading to hurtful comments and cruel remarks.

Marianna and Angelica

Marianna Bowering, Angelica’s incredibly loving and caring mother, has witnessed firsthand the insensitivity of some people. Despite the hurt caused by these individuals, Marianna is determined to ensure her daughter grows up knowing that she is beautiful just the way she is. In a beautiful gesture of solidarity and love, Marianna came up with an inspiring idea.

Marianna with Port Wine Stain

Drawing inspiration from Vascular Birthmark Awareness Day, Marianna decided to mimic Angelica’s port wine stain on her own face using cosmetics. What began as a simple heart-shaped mark grew into an incredible show of support and understanding. Marianna, at the age of 27, shared her experience, saying, “Why not go out and create Angelica’s port wine stain?”

Facing hurtful comments and misguided advice, Marianna questioned why her daughter should be forced to hide her inherent beauty. Instead, she chose to embrace and celebrate Angelica’s uniqueness. Through their unwavering love, Marianna and her husband have always seen Angelica’s birthmark as something to be proud of, rather than something to be ashamed of.

Angelica with Sparkles

In a heartwarming act, Marianna added sparkles to Angelica’s port wine stain, making it shine even brighter. While Angelica is a healthy child, it’s important to note that children with port wine stains are at risk for serious health issues. Marianna emphasizes the importance of regular check-ups, particularly for Angelica’s eyes, due to the potential risk of glaucoma.

Angelica and Marianna

Angelica, you are undeniably stunning. Never let the words of others diminish your radiant beauty. Your mother, Marianna, is a truly remarkable woman who constantly reassures you that your birthmark is nothing less than normal and beautiful. Her unconditional love sets an extraordinary example for all of us.

Let’s share this incredible story of love and acceptance on Facebook, spreading the message of embracing beauty in all its forms.