John Sims, a resident of Tucson, Arizona, stumbled upon a remarkable discovery while excavating in his own backyard. Little did he know that this unexpected finding would become one of the most unforgettable memories of his life. Let’s dive into John’s fascinating adventure and unravel the mystery he uncovered.

An Enigmatic Backyard

When John purchased his house in midtown Tucson from a friend, he had no idea about the secret that lay hidden in the property. The former owner had mentioned rumors of something interesting buried on the land. Intrigued by this mystery, John couldn’t resist the temptation to investigate further. Little did he know that this quest would lead him to uncover something that would captivate the entire state of Arizona!

Curiosity Takes Over

As John prepared to move into his new home, he couldn’t shake off his friend’s words about the buried treasure. His curiosity grew, and he became determined to uncover the secrets that lay beneath his backyard. John embarked on an excavation journey, digging multiple holes across the yard in search of answers. When his search beneath the grass proved fruitless, he turned his attention to the brickwork, convinced that something remarkable was waiting for him.

Hunting for Clues

John delved into municipal records to learn more about the construction history of his house. The documents revealed that a peculiar facility was built in 1961 by a company called Whitaker Pools. With this newfound evidence, John’s determination to solve the riddle only grew. He enlisted the help of metal detector experts who quickly identified two locations in his backyard activating their equipment. Marking these spots, John picked up his shovel and started digging.

A Mysterious Entrance

Amidst the excitement and anticipation, John couldn’t help but wonder about the potential risks. What if it was a sewage system? What if he accidentally damaged something important? With utmost care, John continued to dig, and that’s when he stumbled upon what seemed to be the entrance of a hatch. Cautiously removing the cover, John took precautions due to the possibility of hazardous gas or mold spores lingering.

Taking Every Precaution

Aware of the potential dangers, John decided not to venture into the tunnel alone. Not risking the lid dropping back in, John sought assistance from the Rural/Metro Fire Department. As a former captain of the department, he understood the risks involved in confined spaces and knew he needed someone by his side. With his safety ensured, John gathered a team of friends to assist him with the excavation and act as spotters when it was safe to explore the mysterious depths.

Unveiling the Unknown

With a well-thought-out plan in hand, John and his team got to work. Repairing and reinforcing the concrete structure around the entrance, they protected it with Sonotube cardboard. The scorching Arizona heat posed a challenge, but they persevered, eager to uncover what lay beneath. An electrical line was installed to illuminate the tunnel, and a black pipe provided fresh air. Finally, the construction work was complete, and John prepared to venture into the unknown.

Discovering a Nuclear Bomb Shelter

As John descended the ladder into the depths of the tunnel, he couldn’t contain his excitement. To his surprise, he discovered a well-preserved structure that turned out to be a nuclear bomb shelter from the Cold War era! Constructed during a time of heightened tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, bomb shelters were a means of ensuring the safety of families in the event of a nuclear war. Tucson, known as “Rocket City,” housed numerous such shelters, a testament to its historical significance.

Unleashing the Past

News of John’s incredible find spread like wildfire. Social media platforms such as Reddit buzzed with discussions, and local newspapers and television stations sought interviews with him. Even international outlets caught wind of the story, amplifying its reach. Suddenly, the residents of Tucson began to question if they, too, had hidden treasures lurking beneath their backyards.

Preserving History

The attention John received from his discovery allowed him to connect with other homeowners in the neighborhood who also possessed bomb shelters. With their guidance, John gathered information on how to maintain and clean the bunker. While some converted their shelters into wine cellars or man caves, John had a different vision. He dreams of transforming his Cold War relic into a captivating museum that preserves the memories and stories of that era.

Exploring the Cold War Era

Immersing himself in research, John delved into the history of the Cold War. He started collecting Cold War artifacts such as Geiger detectors, water supply barrels, HAM radios, and sanitation kits, intending to create an authentic experience. Although he wished for a time capsule with furniture and other relics, the bunker turned out to be empty. Nevertheless, John’s determination remains unwavering as he strives to educate others about this significant period in history.

Proceed With Caution

As John’s incredible journey inspires others to explore their backyards, he emphasizes the importance of caution. Rushing into unknown tunnels or excavations can be dangerous, with toxic air or cave-ins posing serious threats. John advises everyone to conduct thorough research and seek proper guidance before stepping into the unknown.

Rebuilding the Past

Eager to restore the bomb shelter to its former glory, John has created a GoFundMe account to help raise funds for the reconstruction. His priority is to replace the staircase, ensuring safe access for visitors. With the support of the community, John and his renovation team can continue their work, preserving a unique piece of history for generations to come.