In a recent episode of the podcast Las Culturistas, Kelly Clarkson, the popular talk show presenter and former American Idol contestant, bravely discussed her experience with divorce and her “greatest decision” in the midst of it. Clarkson’s candid conversation sheds light on the emotional journey she went through and the profound impact it had on her life.

Divorce is undoubtedly a difficult and emotional event for anyone, regardless of age or circumstance. Clarkson, at 41 years old, was no exception. She vividly recalls the intense emotions she felt during that time, sharing an honest moment with her therapist when she couldn’t stop crying. It was a moment of vulnerability that many can relate to, acknowledging the challenges of navigating such a life-altering event.

As someone who had been hesitant about relying on pharmaceuticals due to her own childhood experiences, Clarkson initially resisted the idea of taking an antidepressant. She had seen firsthand the effects of medication and wanted to explore alternative ways of healing. However, she realized that her unhappiness was taking a toll on her well-being and decided to give it a try, setting aside her pride for the sake of her mental health.

Clarkson’s decision to take the antidepressant, in her own words, was the best choice she ever made. It allowed her to navigate a difficult period in her life and find the strength to move forward. Without it, she believes that she wouldn’t have been able to overcome the challenges she faced. This revelation serves as a reminder that sometimes seeking professional help and relying on medication is necessary for our well-being.

It is commendable that Clarkson spoke openly about her journey and her choice to use an antidepressant. There is still a stigma attached to mental health and the medications used to treat it. By sharing her story, she hopes to break down those barriers and encourage others to consider the benefits of such medications. Her transparency is a testament to her bravery and her commitment to promoting mental health awareness.

Clarkson’s experience serves as a reminder that we should not be afraid to seek help when we need it. Whether it’s therapy, medication, or a combination of both, finding the right support can make all the difference in our journey towards healing. Let us learn from her example and be open to exploring all available options for our own well-being.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, remember that you are not alone. There is help out there, and seeking it is a sign of strength, not weakness. Together, let’s break the stigma and create a supportive environment where everyone can find the assistance they need to thrive.