When it comes to sleeping in a hotel or guesthouse, there is one important piece of advice that experienced tourists and hotel receptionists can all agree on: leave the bathroom light on. It may seem like a small act, but it can have significant benefits, including potentially saving your life in an emergency.

1. Being Prepared for Emergencies

Leaving the bathroom light on while you sleep in a hotel can be a crucial precaution in the event of an emergency. With the light from the bathroom, you can easily find the exit if unexpected circumstances arise, such as an accident, earthquake, fire alarm, or even an intruder entering your room.

Imagine trying to find your way out of an unfamiliar place with no lights and darkness all around. It would be quite challenging and time-consuming to locate your phone or the light switch in a state of fear. By leaving the bathroom light on, you give yourself a better chance of escaping danger quickly and efficiently.

2. Reducing Fear and Anxiety

If you’re someone who gets easily scared or feels uncomfortable sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings, having the bathroom light on can help alleviate some of your anxiety. It provides just enough light to make you feel safer without disturbing your sleep.

Sleeping in a new environment can make some people feel nervous and less at ease compared to being at home. By leaving the bathroom light on, you create a sense of security that reduces the likelihood of waking up abruptly in the middle of the night.

3. Promoting Better Sleep

For those who struggle to sleep in complete darkness but find nightlights too bright and uncomfortable, leaving the bathroom light on can be a better option. It provides a gentle and soothing glow that is neither too bright nor too close to your eyes. This makes it easier to relax and fall asleep.

Additionally, if you happen to wake up during the night, the pitch-black darkness can make it difficult to find the light switch, your phone, or even the way to the bathroom. This can fully wake you up and disrupt your sleep, and it may also disturb others in the room with you.

4. Ensuring Safety

Nighttime is when it’s essential to be vigilant, especially when staying alone in a hotel room. By leaving the bathroom light on, you may discourage someone with ill intentions from approaching. Seeing the light on may make them think you’re still awake, making them less likely to attempt a break-in.

5. Helping with Orientation and Reducing Accidents

Being in an unfamiliar room means you might not be familiar with its layout. If you don’t leave the bathroom light or a nightlight on, you risk tripping when trying to get up in the middle of the night for water or additional blankets. Furthermore, if you have the habit of leaving your bag open in the room, you might accidentally step on it and fall because you can’t see where you’re going.

In conclusion, leaving the bathroom light on when sleeping in a hotel is a simple yet effective step to enhance your safety, comfort, and peace of mind. It provides a source of light that can assist you in emergencies, reduce fear and anxiety, promote better sleep, ensure safety, and prevent accidents. So the next time you find yourself in a hotel room, don’t forget to keep that bathroom light on!