Not many people realize that orange peels combined with vinegar can be incredibly useful for various household chores. Let’s dive into this handy tip.

Peels and Vinegar

During winter, many of us enjoy seasonal fruits like citrus, with oranges being a favorite. They are perfect for boosting our immune systems, especially when we’re more prone to colds due to the chilly weather.

Using Orange Peels with Vinegar

To keep our immune system strong, we are often encouraged to consume more vitamin C, which is abundantly found in oranges. Many of us enjoy them fresh or as a refreshing juice, helping to alleviate minor ailments and providing energy benefits.

While most people discard the peels, they can actually be put to great use in our homes. Instead of tossing them, here’s how you can make the most of orange peels with a bit of vinegar.

Oranges: Another Way to Use the Peel with Vinegar

Besides using orange peels for Christmas decorations or cool craft projects, there’s a lesser-known method involving vinegar that many homemakers swear by.

The Natural Solution

Start by taking a jar and breaking the orange peels into small pieces. Fill the jar with these pieces and pour vinegar over them until the peels are fully submerged.

Seal the jar tightly and let it sit for about 15 days. This allows the peels to macerate, releasing citrus oils into the vinegar.

After two weeks, strain the mixture to remove the orange peel pieces. Transfer the liquid into a spray bottle. This homemade solution is excellent for tackling tough dirt on various surfaces.

You’ll find that the combination of vinegar and orange essential oils leaves surfaces, including steel, spotless and with a lovely fragrance.

Multipurpose Citrus Cleaner

The maceration process extracts essential oils from the orange peels, mixing them with vinegar to create an effective natural cleaner. This solution offers both degreasing and disinfecting properties.

You don’t have to stick to just oranges; try this method with other citrus fruits like lemons or mandarins, which have similar beneficial properties.

Give this simple, cost-effective solution a try next time you enjoy an orange. It’s a fantastic way to create a natural cleaner, keep your home pristine, and save a bit of money on commercial cleaning products.