There are some things men should never say to the woman they love. These things may seem insignificant at first glance, but they hold much more weight. We’re here to help you understand what you shouldn’t say to your woman.

1. “My ex used to … ”

Bringing up your ex in any conversation is a big no-no. Sure, you might feel like comparing your past relationships, but it’s best to keep such thoughts to yourself. There are some things meant to stay as inside thoughts, and this definitely belongs in that category.

2. “Yeah, she’s hot”

Be careful with this one. Your partner might ask you an innocent question like, “Do you think she’s cute?” She might seem indifferent about your answer, but trust me, she cares. Always say no. Whether it’s a girl in a magazine, on Facebook, or a waitress, the answer should always be no. You can even earn extra points by casually finding a flaw and sharing it. For instance, “Is it me, or does her nose look a bit odd?” Watch your partner’s face light up!

3. “You sound just like your mother”

Avoid comparing her to anyone else, even if it’s her mother or sister. You might not understand the complexities of those relationships like she does. Everyone desires a unique and independent identity, distinct from their family members.

4. “You always do that”

Using absolutes like “never” and “always” can quickly escalate a minor disagreement into a major argument. Such sweeping statements are hardly ever true and can upset her even more. They also drag up past arguments, making the current disagreement much worse. Stick to specifics and avoid generalizations.

5. “It’s Up to You”

In relationships, you often face decisions about places to eat, vacation spots, or choosing a preschool for your child. Saying, “It’s up to you,” can make her feel abandoned. Men may see decision-making as a task, but for women, it’s like envisioning life’s possibilities together. Instead, try saying, “I could definitely go with A or B, but I’m not crazy about C. What are you thinking?” This shows you’re engaged, you care, and it keeps you from making the final decision.

6. Other Things to Avoid Saying

– “How Many Guys Have You Slept With?”

– “I’m Not In The Mood.”

– “I Don’t Care.”

– “Have You Gained Weight?”