Challenge: Can you solve this math problem for middle schoolers – without a calculator?

If you’re like me, you might love classic brain teasers such as crosswords or sudoku. But lately, I’ve found myself drawn to a different kind of mental workout, like the one below. Are you ready to dive in?

These puzzles have been popping up all over the web recently, because they’re just so much fun!

Do you remember tackling these during your middle or high school days? Nothing beats the nostalgia of solving problems that remind you of your childhood math lessons.

So, are you ready to give it a try? Below is a classic math challenge. Let’s see if you can figure out the right answer. Take a look at the four options in the image below and see which one you think is correct.

Which solution do you think is the correct one? Take a moment. No rush—think it through.

Have you chosen your answer? Let’s see if you got it right! Here’s the answer:

The correct answer is B: 12.

Why is 12 the correct answer? Let’s break it down.

If you recall the order of operations from your school days, multiplication comes before addition and subtraction. We start by solving 3 x 3, which gives us 9.

Next, we tackle the remaining part of the problem: 3 + 9 – 3 + 3.

Follow the operations in order, and you end up with 12. Simple as that!

Did you get it right? If so, congratulations!