Many men wonder about the first things women notice when they see a man. It’s a common curiosity! While we often label men as superficial, women may not be all that different. Let’s dive in and find out what catches a woman’s eye when she first sees a man.

His Face

Physical appearance is often the first thing noticed from afar, and this usually starts with the face. Whether it’s the eyes, smile, or overall facial structure, the face is typically one of the initial focal points before taking in the rest of the body.

His Style

After the face, a man’s sense of style is next. Whether we realize it or not, women look at how a man dresses. This includes his clothing style, tattoos, hairstyle, and even his scent or cologne if he’s close enough.

The Details

Once the overall appearance is assessed, which only takes a few seconds, we zoom in on the details. This means looking at his eyes, hands, mouth, laugh, and overall face. Women have different preferences, so they might also notice his arms, butt, or other features based on their interests.

His Mannerisms

A man’s mannerisms say a lot about him. Women notice how he moves, whether he appears friendly and sociable, and how he treats his friends and acquaintances. These aspects are often observed within the first few moments of seeing someone new.

His Sense of Humor

If there is a chance to talk, women pay attention to his sense of humor, his job, the way he speaks, his confidence, and countless other details that might vary from one woman to another.


You might hear women say they first notice a man’s hands or eyes, but let’s be truthful—we notice everything! Just like men, women take in many aspects before forming an impression.