The journey to wedded bliss is often celebrated with love and joy, but the soaring expenses associated with weddings can easily turn anticipation into stress.

That’s precisely the dilemma one dad shared online when he went on Reddit to describe the predicament he faced regarding his daughter’s extravagant wedding dreams.

Hailing from New York, the father posted on the Reddit thread AITA (Am I The A**hole) about a promise he had made to finance his daughter’s wedding, a heartfelt commitment many parents make to support their children as they begin married life.

However, his generosity was put to the test when he realized the scale of his daughter’s wedding aspirations.

Far from a simple local affair, his daughter dreamt of an opulent destination wedding in the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand, with a guest list of up to 200 people!

This dream wedding came with a price tag of $200,000. The father found himself at a crossroads, feeling torn between his desire to fulfill his daughter’s wishes and his concerns about the extravagant expense, which he viewed as “burning money” and feared would alienate family members.

In his Reddit post, he wrote: “My wife feels I should do it because we can afford it, but I find it to be a pointless showing of wealth. Now my daughter is not talking to me, nor is my wife. Which got me thinking should I bite the bullet and essentially burn money, and alienate family members to make my daughter’s dream wedding a reality?”

People on Reddit quickly chimed in with their thoughts. One person commented: “If she can’t pay for a destination wedding on her own, then she shouldn’t be having a destination wedding. It seems cruel but it’s true. Not to mention there’s so much more money involved with the flights and the hotels and stuff. Is she going to be paying for her own ticket or are you expected to fork out for them too? And her fiancé’s ticket.”

They continued: “Not to mention the fact that she’s thrown a strop and isn’t talking to you tells me she doesn’t deserve it. I’m a believer that we are not entitled to our parents’ money. I don’t expect any inheritance from my dad if he ever passes.